Education - Academic / teaching experience
Physicist: B.Sc, MSc and PhD in Physics, Department of Physics, UoI
Classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations: PhD on Cu3Au versus Ni3Al alloy surfaces, 2001, PhD advisor Prof. G.A.Evangelakis, UoI
Tight Binding (TB) calculations : LAPW and NRL-TB calculations on metals and alloys, Research assistant at NRL 2002, Washington DC and GMU Univ, Virginia, Advisor Prof. D.A.Papaconstantopoulos, Naval Research Lab and George Mason Univ, USA
Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations: Biomolecules - metallic ions' interactions and nano-objects, Teaching contract at UoI 2003-2005, Advisor Prof. E. Kaxiras, UoI and Harvard Univ. Boston
Lecturer (2005), Assistant Professor (2009) and Associate Professor (2015) in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, UoI: many years of teaching experience in several basics courses ( Physics, Materials Science and Computer Simulations) being the advisor of 5 PhD, 5 MSc and 13 undergraduate students.
Guest Professor in the Physics Dept., University of Vienna, Austria (May-June 2017): Teaching the course of "Computational Science of Nanoscaled Crystalline, Amorphous and Hybride Materials“ to undergraduate, MSc and Phd students also performing practical sessions in the Computer laboratory using the VASP (DFT) and the LAMMPS (MD) codes
Research - European and International Network:
Research projects as UoI-partner coordinator:
1. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019, BIOREMIA , project Νο 861046, 2020-2023, BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications
2. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014, SELECTA , project Νο 642642, 2015-2018, Smart ELECTrodeposited Alloys for environmentally sustainable applications: from advanced protective coatings to micro/nano-robotic platforms (SELECTA), (2015-2018)
3. e-COST Sci-Generation , European Cooperation Scientific and Technical Research (044/13) TARGET Network 1301 (2013-2015): Next generation of Young Scientist: towards a contemporary spirit of R&I (Sci-Generation), Member of the Management committee
4. FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN BioTiNet , (# 264635), Academic-Industrial Initial Training Network on Innovative Biocompatible Titanium-based Structures for Orthopaedics (BioTiNet), (2011-2014)
5. FP7-SiS-2008-1 DIVERSITY , (# 230253) entitled “Improving the gender diversity management in materials research institutions (Diversity)”, (2009-2011).
6. UoI Research Committee funding (Νο. 80018) «Nanowires and nanoclusters of catalytic metallic oxides from oxygen plasma: From ab-initio calculations to experimental synthesis, (2007-2009)
Participating in the UoI research team of three more Marie-Curie ITN networks (Vitrimetect, BulkMetallicGlass, NanoAl), the European Space Agency 2007 along with four national projects.
Established research collaborations: US NRL - George Mason University, Harvard University, IFW Dresden, Oxford University, INPN-Grenoble, Poitier France, AuTh Thessaloniki and UoI. Authored of 61 publications in peer review journals (1300 citations, H=20, 2021)
Organizing/co-organizing conferencies in Greece
Ballet, painting, music, reading books, travelling